LondonBoulder Precast Concrete Big Block Production: The Perfect Fit

Are you seeking to enhance your construction operations with large-scale precast concrete big block production? LondonBoulder provides a patented, fully engineered, and royalty-free block forms solution tailored for concrete producers. Our London Boulder Forms offer diverse designs to suit any project, significantly reducing your time, materials, labor, and installation costs. As a precast concrete company, integrating London Boulder blocks into your production process is seamless and efficient. Elevate your manufacturing capabilities with LondonBoulder.

Patented, Fully-Engineered Design: Innovative Block System

LondonBoulder’s big block forms are patented and fully engineered to meet the highest quality and performance standards for retaining wall solutions. Our forms are designed to be highly durable, easy to produce, and simple to install, making them the perfect choice for precast concrete producers looking for a reliable and cost-effective solution. When you integrate London Boulder into your line of products, you can be sure you’re adding a product with superior strength, efficiency, and longevity. 

Royalty-Free Option: Precast Concrete Big Block Production

LondonBoulder offers a royalty-free option for its forms, allowing producers to retain all project profits. With production costs ranging from $60 to $70 per block (including labor and materials) and a selling price of approximately $120 each, LondonBoulder blocks offer a highly profitable solution for producers. London Boulder has a profit margin advantage when producing precast concrete retaining walls vs. other big block brands.

Variety of Block Sizes: Versatility in Precast Concrete Aesthetics 

LondonBoulder offers a variety of block sizes to suit the needs of any project. Whether you’re supplying a small-scale project or a large-scale, our big block forms can be easily customized to meet your specific requirements. In a residential scenario, London Boulder blocks can create functional retaining walls that are sustainable, versatile, and match the aesthetic of your home/neighborhood. With various textures and faces, the options for your London Boulder wall solutions are almost endless. Available in various styles, London Boulder blocks can reclaim precious real estate value and increase your area’s square feet. 

Straightforward: Fast Installation Time For Contractors 

Our big blocks are intelligently engineered for straightforward installation, saving installers time and hassle during construction. Our blocks can be installed quickly and easily with a user-friendly design and sturdy build, ensuring your project stays on schedule and within budget. Typically, small block retaining wall blocks require geogrid to support the landscape behind the wall system. With London Boulder, our many different size concrete blocks work together and interlock to create an easy installation with no need for a geogrid for wall heights surpassing 12ft. London Boulder blocks are efficient and have a high-quality and long-lasting design. 

24/7 Support: Save Time and Increase Your Profit Margins

LondonBoulder offers ongoing support, ensuring customers can access assistance whenever needed. Our support team will forward project leads and can always address any questions or concerns during production. When the London Boulder team supports the producers, we always strive to save them time and increase their profit margins. 

Proven Track Record: Family-owned and Operated Business

LondonBoulder has a proven track record of success in the industry, with countless satisfied customers and successful projects under our belt. Our big block forms have been used in various applications, from state and county projects to commercial and residential retaining walls. LondonBoulder has consistently delivered exceptional results in the Big Block wall industry.

LondonBoulder big blocks are the perfect fit for producers looking for a reliable, cost-effective, and easy-to-install solution for the projects they supply. With a patented, fully-engineered design, royalty-free option, variety of block sizes, straightforward installation, 24/7 support, and a proven track record of success, LondonBoulder big blocks offer everything producers need to take their product line to the next level. Contact us today to learn more about the production process!